
Location Vienna
Year 2011
Functions Public space
Status Built
GIA ~300m2
PS 1-3, 6, 7

The “Flederhaus” a moment of physical tranquility, an open vertically space to hang around and relax.

The construction is only a copy or rather a logo of a story of a stay. Obviously staying in a public area is only temporary…a kind of sequence, we give this sequence a permanent setting.

The open space of the Museumsquartier is already a place to hang around and relax. We address this "hanging around" in the vertical direction...on top of each other ...equipped with hammocks - THE FLEDERHAUS.

City Structure

We understood the "Flederhaus" as a kind of public container and attractor, which more or less influences its surroundings due to its positioning.

The obviously abstract shape of the house diverges from the typical object house because of its different use and the spatial opening. It becomes the enlarged public open space of a vertically structured sphere. It’s a constructed public “space with additional value”, an oasis for relaxation.

Quality and manufacturing

The Flederhaus was designed as a wooden construction made of prefabricated parts which enables it to be set up in other locations at a later date. The Flederhaus is currently located in the "Seestadt Aspern" - a newly planned district of Vienna that is currently under construction ....and that also will be for a long time.
In the meantime, the Flederhaus has already been moved twice.


Within our thought process, the "Flederhaus" developed into a mobile urban "landmark" of possible relaxation zones. Inevitably, the surrounding green zone was also used, made tangible and upgraded.


MQ Vienna

mischa erben
